Ministry of Oil Welcomed Heneidy and honored Allaw amid an atmosphere of friendliness and intimacy

In an atmosphere of friendliness and intimacy was held at the Oil Ministry today 24/6  meeting of the two Ministers Saeed Heneidy Sufian Allaw , assistant minister and the general managers of institutions and companies affiliated to the Ministry and head of the Oil Marketing, during which honored the minister Allaw, and received and congratulate the minister Heneidy.



The Minister Allaw welcomed the minister Heneidy and congratulated him on his new position and wished success and reviewing the activities and the activities of the ministry during the past years.

In turn, the minister Heneidy thanked Allaw and spoke about his role in the management of the oil sector during the last period, noting that in the present circumstances the priority is to develop specific policies to enhance the oil actually pointing to the importance of institutional work between everyone in order to achieve the desired end

Dr. Hassan Zeinab, Deputy Minister of Oil also welcomed in the name of the ministry's staff and its institutions and its new minister and wishing him success and thanked the Eng. Allaw for his efforts during his stay at the head of the ministry.

For his part, Ali Abbas, Director General of the General Petroleum Corporation, said that the success of the new minister in his mission is the success of the oil sector as a whole, pointing to the importance of concerted efforts and cooperation of all to achieve this goal, especially in these exceptional circumstances experienced by our country.

After that the ministry was handed over shield to Eng. Allaw recognition of his efforts and his work over the past six years.

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