Banias Refinery Company completed the study of the implementation project to modernize and expand the development of the refinery in order to be able to produce gasoline and fuel oil according to European standards.
Banias Refinery Company completed the study of the implementation project to modernize and expand the development of the refinery in order to be able to produce gasoline and fuel oil according to European standards
This modtorization aimed to reduce pollution by turning all the ovens and boilers refinery to work on the gas instead of fuel and increase the production of derivatives white at the expense of fuel oil fuel oil up to three million tons of gasoline of about one million and two hundred tons through the construction of new units such as units, hydrocracking unit hydrogen from natural gas unit sulfur recovery unit and modify some existing units or expanded to fit the requirements of new development in addition to this modern digital systems more accurate
Eng. Essam Rishah Director of Banias refinery said that within the framework of the project has been added new units to the refinery, so they produced gasoline is unleaded and all gasoline go to the domestic market of the Banias refinery free of lead in addition to the construction of a separation of gasoline subject carcinogens where he became a gasoline product now in the refinery is compatible with European standards in terms of the benzene content in gasoline, which does not exceed 10 percent in size.
He added that the project development and modernization of the refinery in a manner commensurate with the development of refining technology that meets the growing market need, particularly of diesel fuel after 2000 as a result of what Syria is witnessing the development of industrial, commercial and agricultural notable addition to the doubled number of mechanisms in Syria for the period.
He said that it was approved the development of online technology for the refinery and processing conditions book by “Vrnleb” French of the French Petroleum Institute where the focused line technology for the project to increase the products white at the expense of products, the black and improve the specifications in line with environmental requirements.
He added that it has been increased product fuel oil from 988.1 to 962 200 tons a year and increase the product gas of 880 to 195 100 tons a year and reduce the product fuel oil from 770.1 to 975 thousand tons a year and the production of benzene octane 95, rather than octane 90 and access to the standard European 2010 ” Euro 5 “for the product gasoline, diesel and improve environmental conditions and vitality.
He stressed that the company Banias Refinery attached pollution control, environmental protection and occupational health and safety is as important as concern for the preservation of the status of technical and production of the refinery which has taken a number of measures over the past years to date, including re-design of the refinery, which was sending gas non-intensive distillation unit vacuum to the atmosphere and these gases are contaminated with materials Hedroconyh content of sulfur and gas and these gases has been addressed and adjusted so that the sent to the oven and burned and thus was eliminated from the resulting pollution.
The director of the refinery that was also released from the gas treatment unit towers and asphalt for the follow-up by washing with diesel gas and water to rid it of hydrocarbons and therefore smells emanating from them.
He added The fact that the refinery used fuel in the boiler power plant and furnace filter, the gases resulting from combustion contain pollutants for that have been undertaken by the refinery to study the reduction of pollutants resulting from that by addressing the fuel burning since 1992, and the development of this treatment and follow-up measurement of pollutants to ensure that the results indicated it is close from the global norm.
The director of the refinery that the reservoirs that release vapors of hydrocarbons is the main source of pollution, and here have moved the refinery to take several measures, including maintenance of radical tanks with roof fixed and thus controlling the fumes from which the decrease to the minimum and the installation of the provisions of a secondary extra for all reservoirs with a floating roof so that the loss of the hydrocarbon vapors from rising to a minimum.
He said that the refinery maintain readiness and unit of sulfur and work permanently and thus control of the gas hydrogen sulphide output operations hydrogenation arising from treatment of naphtha and fuel oil and distillates vacuum has also announced to provide an intermediate titanium so that the high rate of return transfer “H 2 or” to the sulfur-free to become 98 percent instead of 96 percent now.
He added that the refinery is working to develop a water treatment unit acidic, indicating that the unit works well, where it was to control the content of hydrogen sulphide gas in the industrial water and is now under development in order to isolate the tank for feeding the external atmosphere and convert it to the pot pressure.
He stressed that is currently up and water treatment unit of industrial pollutants as the water that put to sea analyzed on a daily basis and the results proved to be compatible with the norm the world in terms of the content of the code of oils and heavy metals, indicating that the management of the refinery process of development of the unit and raise the efficiency with the completion of study within the project to develop the refinery.
He pointed out to the management of the refinery is implementing projects utilizing the expertise of local and foreign anti-pollution and ensure the success of measures taken in this regard, also contracted the refinery with the Center for environmental research to measure pollutants in the air around the refinery over the full year 2002 – 2003 in the village, union and city housing and the village of Aptleh showed the final results of the center they are compatible with the norm in addition to the global health cooperation with the Directorate of Environment of Tartus to determine pollutants and reduce them.
He added that it has been the development of furnaces and boilers refinery to operate on natural gas and fuel in case the secure gas to the refinery will shut down the use of fuel in furnaces and boilers refinery The refinery is currently in collaboration with the Syrian Gas Company to extend the gas pipeline diameter of 24 inches from the terminal of Banias heat Plant to the refinery with the establishment of plant reduction.
It is noteworthy that the Banias refinery brought in the second half of the seventies by a company Industrial Co. Ltd. ROMANIAN designed technology compatible with the needs of the local market and export the surplus and was considered at the time of the refineries is very sophisticated, but the technological development of the refining industry and the global interest in the environment require taking several measures and to start a project to develop and modernize the refinery which has a significant impact on the evolution of work and improve its products in conformity with international standards.
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