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Oil Ministry Decisions & Declarations
ِAllaw discusses with Minister of Korean Foreign Trade cooperation in the areas of oil extraction
Eng. Sufian Allaw Minister of Oil and Mineral Resources with Ri Ryong Nam, Minister of Foreign Trade of Democratic Korea ways of enhancing cooperation relations between the two countries and upgrade economic relations to the level of…
Extinguish a fire in transporting oil pipeline in Deir Ez Zor in an open site under maintenance
An official sources of Oil Ministry said that at / 23.30 / yesterday night a fire broke out in the oil pipeline linking al-Omar field and Taym station subsidiaries of al-Furat Petroleum Company AFPC in the province of Deir Ez Zor in an…
Extend the deadline for companies to provide documentation of their qualification to participate in…
Ministry of Oil and Mineral Resources extends deadline for the submission of corporate of documents which qualify them to participate in the international tender for prospecting and exploration in three blocks in the Syrian economic waters…
Ministry of Oil announces tenders for oil shale investment
Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources announced for a global tender to invest in the oil shale in Khanasser area about 103 km southeast Aleppo of 150 square kilometers was divided to 14 Blocks with geological reserves of 2.3 to 3…
Allaw entrusted new powers to his aides and general managers of the Ministry’s Establishment
Minister of Oil and Mineral Resources, Sufian Allaw issued decision which entrusts to his assistants in the ministry, within its competence signing books and correspondence approved by the ministry itself to its affiliates (more…)
Oil Minister forms a committee to study the applications submitted to the ministry staff and…
Oil minister Sufian Allaw formed a committee to study the applications submitted to the ministry staff and its affiliated sides for appropriate proposals in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations. (more…)
78 % of respondents voted to “agree to leave without any limitation or condition”…
the number of workers in the petroleum sector Syrian who voted on the questionnaire that has been published on our website Syria Oil on the subject of leave without pay Exceeded the 1000 participants expressed the view transparently and…
Allaw : the growing interest in rehabilitation and training of HR Plan to supplement the 1500 sector…
Ministry of Oil and Mineral Resources give a growing interest in training and development and qualification of human resources for this sector which is undergoing a growing, with increasing number of joint ventures and working to increase…
Six international companies bought seismic Data of Marine blocks in Syrian territorial waters and…
Six international companies specialized in offshore drilling bought seismic Data of Marine blocks in Syrian territorial waters the Syrian economic in addition to four other companies have shown their interest in obtaining seismic data of…
ِAllaw : the companies operating in the oil sector contributed to the development of the province of…
Eng Sufian Allaw Minister of Oil and Mineral Resources stressed the importance of educational institutions, specialized oil industry in the province of Deir Ezzor in the intellectual sector competencies qualified scientific and the need to…