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Arab Oil & Gas News
Oil pipeline supply linking Iraq with in Turkey stops
A source in the North Oil Company revealed on Saturday that the supply of oil in the pipeline of Kirkuk - Yumurtalik linking Iraq to Turkey stopped after the bombing that took place in the Turkish side. (more…)
Iraq warns Kurdish oil exports to Turkey harm ties
Iraq said on Sunday that oil exports from Kurdistan to Turkey by truck were "illegal", warning Ankara that such trade with the autonomous region could damage its relations with the central government in Baghdad. …
Pakistan Petroleum to explore Iraq gas block
Iraq has signed an initial gas exploration contract with Pakistan Petroleum as part of its push to attract more foreign investment to develop its energy sector. The contract gives the Pakistani company the right to explore gas Block 8 in…
Abu Dhabi Exports First Pipeline Oil Bypassing Hormuz Strait
Abu Dhabi started exporting its first crude from a pipeline that bypasses the Strait of Hormuz, shipping the fuel from the neighboring sheikhdom of Fujairah to a refinery in Pakistan. (more…)
Iranian oil stuck in Egypt as Turkey cuts imports
Turkey is struggling to import Iranian oil in July because of Western sanctions on ship insurance, trading and shipping sources told Reuters, leaving Tehran battling to sell oil now stuck in storage tanks in Egypt. …
Iraq achieves more than 45 billion dollars in oil export revenue over the past six months
The Iraqi oil Ministry announced Sunday that Iraq's revenues from oil exports during the first half of the year 2012, amounting to more than $ 45 billion, asserting that Iraq had achieved a surplus oil revenues amounted to nine billion…
Despite Friction, Turkey Pursuing Energy Deals with Arbil, Baghdad
Despite Baghdad’s harsh reaction to the Iraqi Kurdish Regional Government’s exports of crude oil to Turkey, Ankara plans to move ahead with new energy cooperation projects with the Iraqi government. (more…)
Turkey, Iraq work on export of Basra oil via Turkey
Turkey's energy ministry has started technical work with Iraq's central government on shipping crude oil from Basra in southern Iraq via the Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline to Turkey's Mediterranean coast and on to world markets, its…
Nigerian, Chinese firms sign oil deal in Sudan .
Sudan has signed oil exploration and production-sharing deals with foreign companies on nine blocks, a senior oil official said, sealing investments of $1 billion in Sudan, which is struggling to deal with a big loss in oil revenues. …
Yemen loses $10-15 mln/day as oil exports halted
Yemen is losing up to $15 million a day in export revenue because violence has halted shipments from the oil-producing Maarib province, the oil minister said, adding the government would ensure the repair of a crude pipeline 'by…